Monday, June 28, 2010

What Diseases can you get from Smoking – The Deadly Top 10 List

What diseases can you get from smoking? There are many, and most of them can be deadly. Make no mistake about smoking is a dangerous habit. This is commonly known even smokers. We are bombarded with anti-smoking messages daily and even love all the time to ban smoking from public places. But let's get specific here and take a closer look at some of these diseases.

The diseases you can get from smoking are many. As a fact we could write a book about all the ways smoking is bad for you. You can probably head on over to Amazon and find numerous books on the subject. But in order to save time let's have some fun (as much as you can with something as serious as how harmful smoking) and borrow David Letterman count down and present the Top 10 Diseases You can get from smoking. Drum roll please ...

10-Impotence (Ok, so it will not kill you but it sure is a bummer)

9 - Atherosclerosis (structure of fats in the arteries)




5-chronic bronchitis


3-Lung cancer

2 disease (heart) disease

1-COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease)

Well there you go, pick your poison. All the diseases mentioned above can be fatal or seriously affect your health or lifestyle. Smoking accounts for 440,000 deaths annually. But grasp smokers, it is never too late to stop smoking and avoid all the diseases in this mortal Top 10 list.

Cigarette smoking is the major preventable cause of premature death in the U.S.. All the diseases mentioned above can be avoided by quitting smoking. If you quit early enough into your smoking "career" you can avoid and future complications. But even if you have smoked for a long time you will still benefit from stopping smoking and reducing your chances of getting these diseases.

So there you have it if you were wondering, what diseases you can get from smoking, now you know. It is pretty scary, but you need not be a statistic. Do not hesitate to stop smoking. You can do it and there are several great programs out there that can help you break the smoking habit.

The Vicious Circle Of Smoking And Anxiety Disorders

Have you ever noticed that people who are nervous and / or depressed often seem to smoke? It is perhaps not a coincidence, since there is scientific research which shows that there is definitely a link between smoking and anxiety. Therefore, if you smoke and you also feel anxious and depressed most of the time, your mood disorder be the result of your bad habit.

That is why no solution

Many smokers claim they smoke to calm their nerves and cigarettes has helped them to get through some of life's most trying challenges. Well, there certainly is a correlation between smoking and anxiety, but cigarettes do nothing to calm frazzled nerves. Cigarettes contain nicotine, an addictive substance. Nicotine is a stimulant known to cause tension. It will also reinforce your concerns and make them seem bigger than they are, which can lead to anxiety. Smoking causes depression too. While a smoker is not smoking the tension and anxiety is followed by depression because the amount of nicotine in the blood decreases. When the nicotine level drops to a certain level your body asking for more of it, which is why smoking is so addictive.

Harder to Quit

There is another link between smoking and anxiety. Not only does nicotine cause anxiety, but people who have the disorder find it difficult to quit smoking. If you've ever been around smokers perhaps you've heard them say that they really wanted to leave, but the time just was not right because they were too stressed out.

Ironically, many people who have anxiety and actually managed to successfully quit smoking have reported feeling much less anxious and depressed not long after we managed to stop the habit. Once smoking has caused anxiety and depression in a person they may feel that they are unable to quit because of stress, when in fact giving up cigarettes is the most beneficial things they could do to calm their nerves.

Get Help

If you are a smoker the link between smoking and anxiety, which is described in this article might have you thinking that you're trapped in a hopeless situation, but it is not true. Doctors know a lot about the link between smoking and anxiety and health workers are trained to help people in such situations. If you smoke and you're worried about the link between smoking and anxiety so it is advisable to make a deal to speak with your doctor. They can help you decide on the best approach to help you complete the habit permanently, in order to improve your mental and physical health.

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